Our recent trip to Ecuador

Earlier this Spring, we packed our bags and headed south to Ecuador, teaming up with the non-profit, Dunamis. Unfortunately, underaged girls in Ecuador are being sexually absused, exploited, and raped in alarming numbers. According to hrw.org, while to country has taken preventative measures against this issue, “its policies and protocols are still not adequately carried out by many schools, the prosecutor’s office, and the judiciary” (https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/09/ecuador-high-levels-sexual-violence-schools)

So what is Dunamis exactly doing to aid this emergency? Starting in 2010, their mission entailed “helping under aged victims of sexual exploitation, abuse and violence” (https://dunamisfoundation.com/history/). Since then, the organization (started by Boris and Fernanda Salinas), have continued to fight this good fight, and it was our pleasure to join them in this effort. Dunamis has been housing former victims of human trafficking, developing and empowering the community to work against it, as well as working with the local law enforcement to prosecute those committing the crime. All the work they have been doing is motivated by their love for Jesus Christ, in which the safe environment they provide is Christ-centered in order to help these strong young women healthily reintegrate back into the world. 

After the trip, Denver Gap Year is excited to share that with Dunamis, we were able to 

  • Move and organize over 1,500 concrete blocks that will used for house stables that provide equine therapy for victims of human trafficking

  • Maintained and cleaned hundreds of trees that provide income to the mission base

  • Babysat for and encouraged young women who were previous victims of abuse 

  • Provided gallons of specialized synthetic paint to a local school to improve their playground and concrete soccer fields

  • Had devotional outreach with local children (as well a playing soccer with them) 

Community service and mission work is pivotal to our growth in our relationship with the Lord. 

1 Peter 4:10: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace…”

We are called to utilize our spiritual gifts in order to serve and contribute to building God’s eventual eternal kingdom. Here at Denver Gap Year, it is our objective to provide tools and help equip our students to live mission-driven lives in which this is their own objective led by nothing but the living Holy Spirit itself. 

To learn more about Dunamis, click here: https://dunamisfoundation.com/history/