Parent Testimony - A Wise Investment In The Future

While Harrison was in Denver, participating in the gap year activities and doing life with mentors and peers, we (his parents) didn't realize how much maturing was taking place.  He would call every week and share what he had discussed and learned from each teacher, as well as what he learned from the other kids in the program.  Each topic made him think and work out his own opinions and values. 


  From what he said, he learned the most from the discussion times and the interaction with his peers.  He enjoyed cooking for everyone far more than he thought he would and gained some confidence in his own cooking skills.  He loved the trip to Nicaragua, even though he was outside his comfort zone the entire time he was gone.  


     Now that he's home, we've been able to see the results of his time away.  We've seen tremendous personal growth in Harrison, in that he has been taking responsibility for himself and his own decisions in very positive ways.  He has shown a dedicated work ethic that we did not see in him before he went to Denver.  


His time in the program was truly an investment in his future.  He was able to improve time management skills, practice conflict resolution skills, and gain perseverance.  It was a safe and healthy way for him to step out of the comfort of home and define who he is as an adult.  We couldn't be happier for him!

Shari Lewis - Parent of Harrison Lewis: An April 2022 Denver Gap Year Graduate of our 4 month option.