The Work of Love

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” 

Thomas Edison

I thought this was appropriate for this time because not only are overalls back in style (yes Lord) but Thomas Edison speaks true in his statement. I’ve been reading a book called “Paper Lanterns” Edited by Sy Safransky, Tim Mckeeand Andrew Snee. It’s a compilation of quotes, poems, hymns, scriptures, and any other noteworthy statements. It’s opened up so many doors to different worlds of thought, and has continued to challenge me in the way I live my life with the King. It’s become one of my devotionals and I’m positive I will treasure this book for many years to come. 

Here at DGY we are committed to partnering with one another as we move forward in love. It’s not an easy task, and it’s not one for throwing in the towel. We have a unique opportunity here to live out the Kingdom by the way we love one another. 

In the house, out on mission, at the dinner table, and in the classroom we get to draw near to one another. We as a staff have rejoiced, celebrated, and thanked God for the way He will reveal his love to us as a heartbeat of Denver Gap Year. We stand together as we seek what it looks like to immerse ourselves in the deep work of love among us. Learning from Jesus what it’s like to live our lives in America with so many moving parts, and giving all the spinning plates to him. Being humble enough to admit to one another we need the encouragement of the body to lift us up. Uncovering Grace that’s been hiding in plain sight, and letting Christ manifest in our presence. 

We are motivated by the deep work of love Christ is working in you. Allowing him to open our hearts to receive his love. Actually allowing Jesus our Lord, who finished the work of love within us, according to his Holy Spirit, outpour his love for us, and clothe us in His glory. The outrageous love that calls us complete, and not finished yet, gives us this beautiful and sometimes frustrating place of both and. Being both in the presence of his transformative love that calls us Holy, and continually being stripped of any falsehoods we try to attach to our name. Giving our yes to things we don’t understand, see, or hear, and speak out a word of faith to go before us.

That is the opportunity of love we chose. The opportunity to see, celebrate, and embrace all of who you are. Not for what you do, but calling fourth who ARE in Christ Jesus. We buckle our overalls just as you do, and roll up our sleeves. With a song of deliverance and victory in our mouths, welcome to the table.